Cinemascapes I

Cinemascapes I – An Ode to the West

Part 1 of a project about fictional landscapes and the effect the cinematic has on our memory and perception

Cinemascapes I - An Ode to the West 01

Cinemascapes I - An Ode to the West 02

Cinemascapes I - An Ode to the West 03

Cinemascapes I - An Ode to the West 04

Cinemascapes I - An Ode to the West 05

Cinemascapes I - An Ode to the West

Shot in locations used by the film industry for their geological similarity to other places in the world, the landscapes become a representation based on a fallacy. Bathed in light and hidden in darkness, the photographs are constructed as so, emphasising the emptiness of the scene. For the action to unfold, the image calls upon the viewer to play out their own scene whilst tapping into isolated fragments from our collective memory of the Sunday afternoon Spaghetti Western.